Wednesday, May 9, 2012

::Just for u mom::

Assalammualaikum..kita bertemu lagi..:)

Today is my mom's i nak dedikasikan semua ni buat dia ;)

My mom carry me for nine months. She felt sick those months with nausea, then she watched her feet and her skin stretch. She teared. She struggled to climb stairs, she got breathless quickly she even suffered many sleepless nights. She then went through excruciating pain to bring me into this world. Then she became my nurse, my chef, my maid, my chauffeur, my biggest fun, my teacher and my best friend. She’s struggled for me, cried over me, hope the best foe me and prayed for me. Most of us take our mum for grandted. I love my mom more than everything else in the world..<3

Moga Allah sentiasa melindungimu..amin..;)

"Happy Birthday MAK !" ^^

*moga Allah sentiasa memberkati dan merahmati kehidupanmu*

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